Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Righteous Freedom Squad

Fighting for truth, freedom and the American way!

by AngryAmerican
Who are you senor?
I am Captain Vigilant from the Righteous Freedom Squad! And you are attempting to illegally enter this Great Nation of mine!
Si. I need to work to support my 13 children. Immigrant labor is vital to your economy. We do the jobs you Americans feel are beneath them for less wages than what you would make.
I sympathize with you, fellow human! You must love your children very much to risk death for them!
Let my Eye Beams be a shining beacon of Freedom for all the world to see! Our borders are secure for another day! Time for some celebratory tacos!

this comic belongs to set
Righteous Freedom Squad

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