Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Stripcreator Battle Royale

My entries in the first Stripcreator Battle Royale, each pitting two stripcreator characters against each other in a battle to the death (or surrender, or whatever).

by BigEvilDan
Nice costume. Are you here for the Kaufman Impersonator's convention too?
Yes. I see you're dressed as *snicker* Stripcreator Era Kaufman.
Hey! That's when he was still funny. After Stripcreator, he just strung together random words and called it art.
Yes, but he was rich and had regular sex with his hot wife Yoko.
Yoko was his cat!
Really? I should do some research before coming to these things.

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Stripcreator Battle Royale

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