Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Meanwhile, while watching the Oscars travesty...
The Academy Awards were a joke this year...
And a crapload of Oscars go to... Bored of the Rings!
You're fucking kidding, right? That cheesefest actually won some major Academy Awards?
No, we're not kidding! We at the Academy like to reward commercial success over quality films! I don't feel I need one here.
Like Titanic?
Yes, like Titanic! That, and we don't want to piss off that many geeks.
Buffylavalamp's Comics
08/18/14 - A treatise on writer's block...
10/24/13 - Meanwhile, I looked at the archives...
09/26/13 - Loosely losing...
09/25/13 - Once again I plagarize today's Garfield...
09/25/13 - Meanwhile (x3)...
09/24/13 - Twerk it, baby!
09/24/13 - Meanwhile...
11/09/08 - Hello again, Stripcreator
05/16/06 - The Secret Origin of... AMAZON WOMAN!
02/25/06 - The Secret Origin of... SENATOR BLAZE!
04/15/05 - The Secret Origin of... DOOMFAIRY!
04/14/05 - The Secret Origin of... CAPTAIN PENNYPANTS!
04/11/05 - Super Justice Squad! Part 4: JUSTICE!
04/10/05 - Super Justice Squad! Part 3: With a Vengeance!
04/09/05 - Super Justice Squad! Part 2: Super Justice Squad
11/14/04 - Meh.
11/12/04 - 10 Days Later...
10/23/04 - Meanwhile, we revisit an old storyline...
10/02/04 - Survivist: Greenland
08/21/04 - Survivist: The Mohave
08/15/04 - Philosophizin'!
08/15/04 - Philosophizin'!
04/17/04 - Meanwhile, the characters get demanding...
03/01/04 - Meanwhile, the fallout over the Oscars continues...
02/29/04 - Meanwhile, while watching the Oscars travesty...
02/06/04 - Meanwhile, current event-wise...
02/02/04 - Meanwhile, November is mere months away...
01/31/04 - Huh?
11/15/03 - Meanwhile, comedy takes a holiday...
11/07/03 - Meanwhile, film at 11...
11/06/03 - Meanwhile, far away from the quagmire...
11/03/03 - A few days later...
09/03/03 - This comic is under quarantine...
08/31/03 - Maybe I should get some Nyquil...
08/30/03 - Meanwhile, I'm under the weather...
08/29/03 - M-e-a-n-w-h-i-l-e...
08/28/03 - Meanwhile, a slapdash affair...
08/27/03 - Meanwhile...
08/09/03 - Meanwhile, the equal height is a trick of perspective...
08/07/03 - Meanwhile, a seafaring tale for your edification...
08/06/03 - Meanwhile, sapphic tensions arise...
08/05/03 - Meanwhile, I'm bullish on the markets...
08/04/03 - Meanwhile, no bull...
07/31/03 - Meanwhile...
07/01/03 - Meanwhile, not funny but new and politcally motivated...
05/03/03 - Later still...
04/20/03 - Later...
03/21/03 - Corporate whoring to placate Donald Rumsfeld...
03/20/03 - Sometimes you just don't feel witty.
03/18/03 - Meanwhile, running it into the ground...
03/14/03 - Meanwhile-ish...
03/11/03 - Meanwhile, Family Circus...
03/10/03 - Super Justice Squad!
03/09/03 - Meanwhile...
03/07/03 - We respond to our reader mail!
03/04/03 - Meanwhile, what we call a "chance encounter"...
03/02/03 - Moo II: The Wrath of Mooooo...
02/28/03 - Meanwhile, CC173...
02/26/03 - Captain Pennypants: Defender of Justice
02/25/03 - Meanwhile, a theme song...
02/24/03 - Meanwhile, a chance encounter...
02/23/03 - Meanwhile, it's time for a little nightclubbing...
02/22/03 - Meanwhile, some biting political satire...
02/21/03 - Moooooooooooo...
02/20/03 - Meanwhile, I lose it...
02/18/03 - CC171: If wishes were horses...
02/17/03 - Safe sex?
02/16/03 - Meanwhile, simutaneously hip AND dated...
02/15/03 - Meanwhile, I've run out of ideas...
02/14/03 - CC170: I've been sick, so you get what you get...
02/10/03 - Beware his wrath!
02/10/03 - Will it never end?
02/09/03 - The question we've all been pondering...
02/08/03 - Don't ask me what I think of so-called "nice" guys...
02/07/03 - Meanwhile... I mean, later yet...
02/06/03 - Later still...
02/04/03 - Later that day...
02/03/03 - Meanwhile, a new development occurs...
02/03/03 - When will they learn?
02/02/03 - When robots are programmed to be jerks...
02/01/03 - In Memoriam.
02/01/03 - The rematch...
01/31/03 - Meanwhile...
01/30/03 - Meanwhile, a competition brews...
01/28/03 - Meanwhile, because it amuses me...
01/27/03 - An absurdist meanwhile...
01/26/03 - Meanwhile, because I can...
01/25/03 - Meanwhile...
01/24/03 - Meanwhile...
01/23/03 - CC166 - The Comedy Club Only Club
01/23/03 - Meanwhile, while surfing Wil Wheaton Dot Net...
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 4: The twist ending!
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 3: The interrogation...
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 2: The interview...
01/22/03 - CC166 - BOYZ - Chapter 1: The introduction...
01/21/03 - CC166 - Press conference...
01/21/03 - A brief lesson in surrealism.
01/20/03 - What three kinds of keys can't open a lock?
01/19/03 - The Job Interview!
01/18/03 - It's all about the profit margins at UniGlobalCorp...
01/17/03 - Corporate whoring for a brighter future!
01/15/03 - What Shirley Maclaine DOESN'T tell you!
01/14/03 - The Continuing Adventures of Michael Jackson - Boy Genius
01/12/03 - Meanwhile...
01/12/03 - Meanwhile...
01/11/03 - CC 164 - Give a hoot!
01/10/03 - Corporate whoring for a better tomorrow...
01/09/03 - Meanwhile...
01/08/03 - Later that night...
01/08/03 - Meanwhile...
01/07/03 - Meanwhile, back in the Good Ol' Days...
01/07/03 - Meanwhile, an apology...
01/06/03 - Meanwhile...
01/06/03 - The Adventures of Michael Jackson - Boy Genius
01/05/03 - It's the pits, baby...
01/05/03 - Meanwhile...
01/04/03 - Meanwhile...
01/04/03 - Meanwhile...
01/03/03 - Meanwhile...
01/03/03 - Meanwhile...
01/03/03 - A strip crying out for a title!
01/02/03 - Eventually
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