Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Life In The Office
Turning the real life inanity of office life into comedic inanity.
Life In The Office - Ep. 3: "I Just Want To Go Home!"
Friday afternoon, 4:55pm
It is now safe to turn off your computer
Yes! Time to get out of here at last!
In the foyer, 5pm
Ahh, you're off home I see - just a few things before you go...
NO! Not again! Arghh....
Still in the foyer, 6pm
...and so I think you'll agree that blah blah blah....
This doesn't even count as overtime, for Christ's sake!
Chi_The_Cynic's office set
10/03/12 - Life In The Office - Ep. 62 "Two Legs Good"
10/03/12 - Life In The Office - Ep. 63 "Checked Out"
03/08/24 - Life In The Office - Ep. 64 "Vicious Cycle"
01/09/08 - Life In The Office - Ep. 60 "Boss-Speak (1)"
01/10/08 - Life In The Office - Ep. 61 "In Safe Hands"
04/25/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 59 "Know Thy Client"
07/22/02 - Life In The Office - Ep. 1: "The Boss Is Always Right"
05/09/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 2: "Subservience"
05/09/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 3: "I Just Want To Go Home!"
05/09/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 4: "Attention Span"
05/10/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 5: "Let Sleeping Colourschemes Lie"
05/10/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 6: "Background Processes"
07/06/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 7: "Amelioration"
07/28/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 8: "Admin Dept."
07/28/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 9: "Grayscale"
07/29/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 10: "Time Out"
07/29/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 11: "Support"
08/05/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 12: "In One Ear..."
08/05/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 13: "Nightmare"
08/05/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 14: "Sick"
08/15/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 15: "Cowboys..."
08/26/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 16: "Executive Decision"
09/01/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 17: "Why I Hate Heads of Dept."
09/01/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 18: "Admin Gone Mad"
09/01/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 19: "Desks Are People Too"
09/02/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 20: "Priorities"
09/02/03 - Life In The Office - Ep. 21 "Cowboy Psychology"
07/12/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 22 "First Day Back"
07/12/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 23 "Modal Auxiliaries"
07/14/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 24 "Caller ID"
07/20/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 25 "Print Server"
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 26 "Every Which Way"
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 27 "How Old Are We?"
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 28 "Fiscal Ignorance"
07/21/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 29 "Colleagues"
08/04/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 30 "Word Up"
08/05/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 31 "New Colleague Learns Fast"
08/09/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 32 "Miss Information"
08/10/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 33 "Tea Break"
08/10/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 34 "Choad's Law"
08/17/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 35 "Sinful Documents"
09/01/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 36 "Pride"
09/02/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 37 "The Downside of Air Con"
12/06/04 - Life In The Office - Ep. 38 "Bloo Toof"
01/17/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 39 "Show and Tell"
01/18/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 40 "SQHell"
01/21/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 41 "Incentive Scheming"
02/04/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 42 "The Triangular Trade-Off"
02/26/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 43 "The Salesman Mentality"
04/23/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 44 "Training Day"
04/23/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 45 "Budget"
04/27/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 46 "Backward Planning"
04/27/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 47 "Managerial Generosity"
07/17/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 48 "Hex, Lies and Backup Tapes"
08/18/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 49 "Modal Logic"
08/25/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 50 "Only What They Want To Hear"
09/02/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 51 "Death Of A Salesman"
09/13/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 52 "Call On Me"
09/21/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 53 "Takeover"
11/22/05 - Life In The Office - Ep. 54 "The Haves and the Have Nots"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 55 "Project Countdown (1)"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 56 "Project Countdown (2)"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 57 "Project Countdown (3)"
01/15/06 - Life In The Office - Ep. 58 "Project Countdown (4)"
03/11/24 - Life In The Office - Ep. 65 "Out With The New"
04/03/24 - Life In The Office - Ep. 66 "Decline"
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Life In The Office
Tales Of The Unexpected Blue Screen
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