Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Random Insanity

I push the Random Comic Button and then see if I can make something funny out of it. Hey, it'll get me here fairly often at least.

by Dark_Pulse
E.T. phone home.
*hic* Oh no you don't, you son of a bitch... *hic* You ran my phone bill *hic* up to 37-fucking-thousand dollars *hic* calling Andromeda for that *hic* minute there...
E.T. phone home, Elliott...
NO! Fuck man, *hic* doesn't it ever get through *hic* your goddamned mind that *hic* I'm the one PAYING your goddamn *hic* bills?
Elliott kiss E.T.'s ass.

this comic belongs to set
Random Insanity

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