Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

The Confession Booth

Repent, ye sinner.

by Externalization
Today at the homeless shelter were I volunteer, we had a lot of new clients waiting in the reception area. Every seat was full.
Any time someone got up, this one woman Jan would leave her seat and sit where they had been.
Thing is, Jan had her period today. She evidently lacked a pad, as her meat chunk-laden blood was marking each spot where she'd been.
Whenever Jan made a move, it meant one less person who could sit down when the room reached maximum capacity again.
So was it wrong for me to keep playing "Pop Goes the Weasel" on my ukulele for all those hours?
And to think I almost called in sick today!

this comic belongs to set
The Confession Booth : Potemkin Village

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