Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

The System

The government, the military, the media propaganda machine, big corporations, buerocracy, cops, lawyers, politicians, Illuminati... you get the idea.

by Externalization
If you don't vote, you have no right to complain.
Have you ever tried putting a second of thought into how that tired old slogan is supposed to make any sense?
By voting, you are agreeing to abide by whatever consequences or decisions come about as a result the voting process.
Even if "your side" loses the election, you have still voted for the only government we've ever had.
Wait... so that would mean that I'm the one with no right to complain?
I'll see you at the war crimes tribunal, you imperialist swine.

this comic belongs to set
Your Vote Counts : The System

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