Morgan Deals With a Groupie
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| Um...We haven't made a decision yet, Bel'Zthokth | |
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| But you KNOW you need a triangle player in a rock band, right? And you are to address me as Bel'Zkthokth, Shapeshifting Demon Ruler of Heck, Hell, And H-E-Double Hockeysticks! | |
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| Don't leave! Perhaps if I took a more pleasing form, it would influence your decision, yes? | |
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| Dude, unless you can shapeshift your ass into a goddamn Yuengling, me AND my bitchnipples are outta here. | |
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| Don't be so sure, mortal! | |
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| Aaack! You've routed out MY true form! Well, now that the ice is broken, it's Communion time! | |
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