Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Truth Nunce

These comics are reflections of things that have actually happened to me (and my friends) in real life. Names have been changed to protect no one.

by MsJG
Friday Afternoon
I really kicked ass on that huge presentation I turned in this morning. I'm really proud of my work. Got kudos all around from the CEO & Execs!
I saw that. Awesome work! And you were really sick with the flu when you did it. Amazing!
Monday Morning
Ugh. I feel like hell. Flu's making a final comeback performance. I better stay home so I don't get my coworkers sick.
Tuesday Afternoon
I can't believe this! I got "let go" this morning due to "corporate restructuring". I had to clean out my desk with the CEO standing over me.
Maybe it's because you suck.

this comic belongs to set
Truth Nunce

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