Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

The Oggynator

Epic 4-Part Blockbuster Stripcreator comic, guest starring SETUP DISK and BMJ

by Ogyaf
Save you? No, I was sent back to become your father, so you will exist! Now, where is your mother so I can impregnate her?
I already exist, I'm 26 years old! And how long did the future NATION know I was going to be the savior anyway?
Hmmm.... Since 2018.
In 2018, you would have been like 30 years old. Why did they send you back now? You must be like 80!
...yeah, we kinda put it off for a while. Our bad, really.
Can somebody of your age even impregnate a woman, anyway?

this comic belongs to set
The Oggynator

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