Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


Heroes for the new millenium....or something like that.

by Ranger77
Has Evil gone Corporate? We go to Traylor Barone with his exclusive interview with the new CEO and Marketing Director of the "revamped" Legion of Bad Deeds.
"Gentleman I'll get straight to the point. The Legion of Bad Deeds has participated in Extortion, Blackmail, Theft and even Murder. What makes the group different now?"
The Legion has gone through a paradigm shift. We're a corporate entity now. We've even changed our name to "DAEMONient"
Which means that we can do all those things you mentioned legally, like any other corporation.
"I beg to differ. I personally know of no other corporation that has a 'Death Ray' as implied in your latest prospectus."
*sigh* There you media types go again. That was taken out of context. We stated we have a "Transistional State Emitter."
The fact that it transistions living things to dead things is purely coincidental.

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