Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Comic Contests

These whole "set" things are so cool, I'm going to put all my comic contest entries into one, just because I can!

by Scyess
Mr. Oblivious meets the Non-Sequitur Donkey
I don't know what the big deal about the "economy" is. *I* still have plenty of money.
US currency is black and green, but other countries use different colors!
Or do I? Maybe the money I have is the wrong color.
Things that aren't in color are called black and white, even though there's also gray!
Instant friends, their first conversation lasted for four days. Thankfully, you only have to read three panels of it.
Wait a minute... where am I??
Gray dresses are pretty. I was young and pretty once... but never gray. Say, is that a jar of mustard?

this comic belongs to set
Comic Contests

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