Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Infantile Religion Puppies

Regression to babihood and religion humor. Plus puppies. Thanks to fuzzyman for his unwitting loan of his God Couple characters.

by Scyess
What are you going to do about being stuck in a 10-month-old's body?
Nothing. I'm kind of enjoying it.
It can't be doing much for your romantic life.
Actually, having the hormones of a 10-month-old has effectively put an end to my deisre for women -- which is the best thing that's happened to my romantic life in years.
Isn't it at least inconvenient? How can you, say, sit on the toilet?
Another non-issue. Which reminds me... fetch me someone with opposable thumbs.

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Infantile Religion Puppies

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