Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Random Comics

This is where I keep all my non-contest comics which don't follow the storyline of my regular characters. I think these are some of my best. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that.

by Scyess
Orange County, CA, 2:00 pm
How much do these little houses go for around here?
In this run-down neighborhood? About $300K.
5:30 pm
These little houses are all $300K?
No, only the ones in run down neighborhoods. These are probably much more.
Of course, if this were actually OC, CA, there would be more smog, the scenery would be less diverse, there would be no black people, and this conversation would take place in a car.
This is a different neighborhood?
Yes. Can't you see some blades of grass are slanted nearly 3 more?

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Random Comics

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