Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

The New Girl

This is the series when I introduced Sanna to the strip. It's also the first time I ignored my self-imposed rule about making every comic have a joke at the end of it. I also went against my rule that every comic has to be at least somewhat funny on its own, even if the full joke is better if you read the series. I don't know how it turned out, really. When I got to the point when five characters were supposed to be in the same room at the same time, the two-per-panel-and-only-three-panels thing got to be a bit unwieldy. Also, the action scenes were a little tough. Nevertheless, this is where Sanna -- and also Hal -- come in.

by Scyess
That was the girl!
She seemed nice enough.
Do you think I handled myself okay?
Aside from failing to complete a coherent sentence and bursting into flames, I thought you were one smooth talker.
Do you think I should ask her out?
Sure, but first buy her a bottle of scotch and an asbestous suit. And yes, I said BOTTLE.

this comic belongs to set
The New Girl

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