Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Fuzzy Man in Her Majesty's Secret Cervix

a continuing series - parody of James Bond flicks - beginning September 2005 I have revised 90% of previously written strips - READ IT AGAIN FOR THE FIRST TIME.

by Smarmulus
To add more parallel content a view from Mt. Olympus...
Look at those puny humans running around like Jerry Lewis at the special olympics.
Jesus, you are one sick fuck. You haven't made me laugh so hard since the Inquisition.
Remember when we fucked with that idiot Job?
That was almost as funny as when you made Hitler chancellor of Germany.
OK, now this is getting dull. Anyway it's time for our poker game with Allah and Bacchus.
I'll meet you there. I have to go whisper some things in Ariel Sharon's ear first.

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