Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Proof That Zilla Is A Nintendo Fanboy

Z. Mann Zilla really likes his Nintendo products. Here's proof of that.

by ZMannZilla
BobTron! Come quick! The clones have erected a giant electro- magnet out of old NES "Legend Of Zelda" batteries, and they're threatening a revolt...
*sigh* BrianTron, has it ever occured to you how pointless this whole Robot Apocalypse is?
No, BobTron... In fact, I don't have time to ponder this existential nonsense, because I'VE been busy TRYING TO SUPRESS A CLONE-SLAVE UPRISING!!!
No, really, BrianTron, I'm serious... What's the point, cloning humanity into perpetuity, just to force a bunch of hellacious busy-work on them, most of which doesn't really benefit us in any way?
Oh, just admit it... You think this premise has run itself into the ground...
BrianTron, I'd like to start writing other comic strips...

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