Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Porkman & Finchy Are Still In Terrible Comic Strips

These comics continue to be really, really stupid. Porkman and Finchy should have never been made into this many Stripcreator comics. They are even terrible at being terrible. Don't read these.

by ZMannZilla
Holy Cursewords Porkman! Phreaky's chestacular funbags give me an idea for a comic! Spoiler alert: the punchline is "boobies"!
Perhaps the Finchy could instead tell jokey-thing about the Phreaky's lack of visible hands?
Pfffft? What? No. NO! You gay or something? There's only two jokes you can tell about Phreaky, and both of them rhyme with "Tig Ol' Bitties"!
OH FOR FUCKS SAKE that two jokes been made ten strips a day for over a decade! Be more creative!
Holy Cursewords Phreaky... you should let me touch and lick your sweater kittens... IN SPAAAAAACE!
Shut up and help me find my hands.

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