Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Porkman & Finchy Are Still In Terrible Comic Strips

These comics continue to be really, really stupid. Porkman and Finchy should have never been made into this many Stripcreator comics. They are even terrible at being terrible. Don't read these.

by ZMannZilla
Shiver me timbers Cap'n Porkman! We've been keelhauled by yon ship and sent to Davy Jones' locker!
Well Porkman can think of one Carnival Cruise that be getting one-star Yelp review!
Tis a damnable thing, Cap'n! Yon skallywags commit such treason on the high seas!
Does the Finchy really need to keep talking like an
old-timey alcoholic sea hobo?!
Aye! By Poseidon's left bollock, 'tis the pirate code!
Starting to think "pirate code" is Finchy code for "butt-funneled too many complimentary rum drinks"

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