Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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a mouse and a duck bring you supreme court news
a mouse and a duck, this just in, miers for supreme court
she's from texas, has held office, run a big law firm, run the bar association. she's qualified.
if you're like me and get all your news from the comics, you might not have heard Bush named his lawyer to fill Justice O'Connor's seat on the court.
All snarking aside, we think she's a worthy successor to Sandy Day.
at 60, she's in good health, workaholic, reputation as a pit bull. no known skeletons - we're looking into it
Does this robe make my ass look fat?
it's her first gig as a judge, which actually is not a problem. will she hire shasha volokh though? we wait and see.
So far conservatives are upset, liberals are hoping for the best, or attacking her for cronyism. Her clients have included microsoft and disney.
What we find most amusing is she was in charge of the committee to find someone. He keeps falling for that.
arbi's mouse set
09/05/05 - fox sends a duck and mouse to cover the supreme court
09/28/05 - a duck and a mouse bring you more supreme court news
09/28/05 - a duck and a mouse bring you even more supreme court news
10/03/05 - a mouse and a duck, this just in, miers for supreme court
10/20/05 - a duck and a mouse.. wait, where's the duck?
10/27/05 - Miers out
10/31/05 - Alito nominated for OConnor seat on court
11/29/05 - this just in - anna gets oral
01/10/06 - burrito supreme court news
01/12/06 - terminated with supreme prejudice
01/17/06 - assisted suicide bombers
01/18/06 - Ayotte v Roadrunner
01/19/06 - templates
01/23/06 - Benchslap!
03/24/06 - Souter scores for the 4th amendment.
04/04/06 - you say padilla, i say padilla, call the whole thing off.
04/05/06 - Old Hippy Joke Take 3
04/05/06 - Old Hippy Joke Take 1
12/31/69 - Untitled
10/29/06 - supreme court update
10/27/06 - a mouse, a duck, and some arbitrary aardvark
11/16/06 - a mouse and duck discuss the law, or, the mess with texas.
11/26/06 - Gilmore v Gonzalez
11/26/06 - robo clinton
11/21/06 - template. unfinished comic.
11/21/06 - views expressed are not those of this station
02/05/07 - astronuts
02/06/09 - This just in, giant rat v New Jersey
this comic belongs to set
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