Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Lupus Awareness Man And The Rest Of The Gang!

His family and friends killed by an outbreak of Lupus at a very young age, Lupus Awareness Man now fights for truth, justice, and the Lupus-free way. This place is also home to other comics, chronicling the success of the fantastic superheroes who NEVER fail in their mission of coming close to doing something helpful.

thank goodness, it's BRICK BREATH! can you take this heart to the hospital ASAP? a little girl could DIE if she doesn't get this transplant in time!
what can i do? my only superpower is to breathe bricks.
what? you brea-
yes. i fucking breathe bricks.
i...i see. well then, do you have a car i can borrow or something?
nope, somebody beat me up and stole it.

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