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| Guess what, DeWilbur? I just found out that we... are in biped's 1,999th comic. Isn't that exciting? | |
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| Oh, dat sho am excitin', Miz Flonase! Ah lahks bein' in de funnies, I sho does! Well, I bess be goin' now! | |
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| ...and Miz Flonase thank we is in de funnies, Mammy! How come she ta thank dat? | |
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| Cause it bees true, DeWilbur. I weren' t gwine ta tell you till you was older. We is in de "Matrix." | |
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| Dis here bees what we really look lahk in de "default panel" program. | |
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| Holy mackel, Mammy! I done lost my "man eggs" factory! | |
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