Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

The Flying Babies

by biped
So, Doris -- were they some kind of monster babies? Or, like, superhero babies? Or what?
No, Ed, they were just regular flying babies. Just like regular babies, only flying around.
Mrs. Mumphrey, my wife says that she and DeWilbur have been seeing flying babies. I'm very --
Oh, ah LAHKS de flyin' babies, Missuh Flonase! Dey sho is CUTE, dem flyin' babies!
Ah always tells Miz Doris dat ah sees de flyin' babies jus' lahk she do! Dat's nice, ain't it, Mammy?
It sho is, DeWilbur! You is a nice boy!

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The Flying Babies

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