Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

A Lineage Of Kings

This is a sequel to "The Flying Babies."

by biped
Ohhh, de candy man caaaan...ohhh, de...lawdy muhcy, ah feels funny...
Mammy, ah thinks ah done had sex wiff Miz Doris!
Well...Miz Doris cain't have no babies wiff Mistuh Flonase on account o' him not havin' any "man-eggs"! So she prolly want summa yo' "man-eggs"!
Holy mackul, Mammy! Ah din't knows ah had "man-eggs"!
You sho' does, DeWilbur! An' won't Mistuh Flonase be suhprised when Miz Doris present him wiff a beautiful new black baby dat come from yo' "man-eggs"!

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A Lineage Of Kings

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