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| Forrest, I got AIDS and I'm DYIN'! I need some suckuh to take care of mah bastard chile that some drifter -- I mean, that YOU done give me! | |
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| Oh, MY! My JEN-NEHHH finally wants ta MAY-REH me! I'm so HAP-PEHHH! | |
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| Well, congratulations, Gump! And say hello to my new fiance', Wang-Chop! | |
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| Kling-klang! Ching-chang! A-hah a-hah a-hah! | |
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| Gump -- I got a BRAND NEW DICK! It's a STRAP-ON -- the LATEST TECHNOLOGY from the same guys who invented the ROTO-ROOTER! | |
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| Why -- it's a mah-jick dick! You gotta MAH-JICK DICK, Lt. Dayun! | |
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