Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

The "Annie" Tryouts

by biped
And now, to present the winner of today's audition, the very first "Annie"--Andrea McArdle!
If you find a large puddle of urine backstage--that wasn't me.
Well, here's the person whose performance impressed the judges the most, and who gets to be the new "Annie"... JOHNNY FONTAINE!
"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'm-a love ya, tomorrow..."
Oh, Godfather (sniff), thank you so much for getting me this part...I'm-a so happy (sob) I don't know what to do...I don't know what to do...
You can ACT LIKE A MAN! What are you now, some Broadway fanocchio who CRIES LIKE A LITTLE GIRL? "Bwaa-ha-haa, bwaa-ha-haaa..."!

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The "Annie" Tryouts

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