Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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BATador Returns
Twice the disturbance-Still only three panels!
The Return of BATador: Expectations
There will be thrills, chills, and condensation!
Captain! The toilet is plugged!
There will be commercial endorsments!
Flushit, Flingit, and Wipe! Toilet Engineers and Communications.
...And did we mention POOP JOKES? Lots and lots of POOP JOKES!
Your Honor! The city toilets are all clogged! Sewage is running over! There's a special on burritos in the commisary!
This can't be good.
christopher7murphy's batadorreturns set
07/10/07 - The Return of BATador: Recap
07/10/07 - The Return of BATador: Preview
07/10/07 - The Return of BATador: Expectations
07/10/07 - BATador: Cinemax! Here I Come!
07/10/07 - BATador: The Captain Handles These Things
07/11/07 - BATador: Cause and Effect
07/11/07 - BATador: Urinal Cake in the Break Room, Everyone
07/11/07 - BATador: Mayor May Not, Remember?
07/11/07 - BATador: Hiz Honor vs I.P. McFreely
07/11/07 - BATador: The Wee Wee Manifesto
07/11/07 - The U.C.:It's No Royal Flush Gang. But Then, Who Is
07/11/07 - BATador: Priorities
07/12/07 - BATador: That "Special" Way to Get There
07/12/07 - BATador: Seperation Anxiety
07/12/07 - BATador: The Pink Velour Punk
07/12/07 - BATador: Pink 'n Mean on the Outside
07/12/07 - BATador: Soft 'n Gooey on the Inside
07/12/07 - BATador: Stuck in a Traffic Jam: Strawberry
07/12/07 - BATador:Here's That Commercial Endorsment You Were Warned Of
07/12/07 - I.P. McFreely: Every Time I'm in the Bathroom! Sheesh!
07/12/07 - BATador: Bring Out the Secret Weapon
07/12/07 - The Lyrical Urinal Circle: Nervous Wrecks and Bladders
07/14/07 - BATador: The Urinal Circle Therapy
05/20/07 - Treadmarks
07/15/07 - The Urinal Circle: Urine is in Thier Blood
07/15/07 - BATador: He's a Sneaky BATurd, Ain't He?
07/15/07 - BATador: He's in Nation, I'm in Nation, Urination!
07/15/07 - BATador: Like a Race Horse!
07/15/07 - BATador: Pick Your Friends, Pick Your Nose, Pick Urination!
07/16/07 - BATador: Urination Orientation
07/16/07 - BATador: The Boy Had Untapped Skills
07/16/07 - BATador: 365 Days Without an Accident
07/16/07 - BATador: A V.Pee of Production
07/16/07 - BATador: The Key to the Executive Washroom? Dare He Dream?
07/16/07 - BATador: But Thier Credentials are Crappy
07/16/07 - BATador: Potty Plans & Porcelin Plots- Shot to Hell
07/16/07 - BATador: Pink Slip, Golden Showers
07/16/07 - BATador: The Bill Bixby Rabbit Punch
07/16/07 - BATador: Graham Russell and Milk Anybody?
07/17/07 - BATador in: Aquaman- Quite the Bastard
07/17/07 - BATador: E.S.L. (or) Eel as a Second Language
07/17/07 - BATador: Maybe He LIKES Breathing Sea Water
07/17/07 - The Urinal Circle: Another Hole in One
07/18/07 - The Urinal Circle: Trail Blazers
07/18/07 - BATador: Tastes Like Chicken
07/18/07 - Captain B.S. vs I.P. McFreely
07/18/07 - Captain B.S. in: SNAP!
07/18/07 - Captain B.S. vs I.P. McFreely: The Epic Battle Continues
07/18/07 - BATador: Unreasonable Abilities
07/18/07 - BATador: Ahhhhhhhhhh-quaman
07/18/07 - BATador: One Last Tap and...........ZIP!
07/19/07 - Letters from the Pipe Line: Sanitized for Your Protection
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BATador Returns
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