Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
Miss? I need "Preston's Guide to Showdogs."
We don't carry that particular title in stock, but we can get it. If I order today, it will be here in a week.
Why can't you have the books I want in stock? Is that too much to ask?
I'm sorry, Sir. But I CAN order it. If you find the title somewhere else before it arrives, you are never obligated. There is no additional cost.
NO! I would much rather go home upset. It helps me with my sunny disposition.
christopher7murphy's bookstore set
10/31/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/31/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/31/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/31/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/01/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/01/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/01/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/01/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/01/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/02/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/02/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/02/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/02/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/09/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/09/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/10/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/13/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/19/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/19/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/19/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/19/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/19/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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11/22/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/29/06 - Top Five Ways to Get Kicked Out of Book Store: ONE
11/29/06 - Top Five Ways to Get Kicked Out of Book Store: TWO
11/29/06 - Top Five Ways to Get Kicked Out of Book Store: THREE
11/29/06 - Top Five Ways to Get Kicked Out of Book Store: FOUR
11/29/06 - Top Five Ways to Get Kicked Out of Book Store: FIVE
12/18/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/18/06 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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01/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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01/10/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/15/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/15/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/15/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/15/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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01/28/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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02/17/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
02/17/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
02/17/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
02/26/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
03/01/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
03/01/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
03/01/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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03/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
03/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
03/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
03/09/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
03/09/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
03/13/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
03/13/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
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03/21/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
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03/29/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
03/31/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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04/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
04/12/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
04/12/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
04/12/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
04/12/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
04/14/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
04/28/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
05/04/07 - You Book Store, Yah?
05/21/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
05/21/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
05/23/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
05/25/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
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06/10/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
06/10/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
06/10/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
06/14/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
07/15/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/15/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/15/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/20/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/25/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/25/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/28/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/28/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha
07/28/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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