Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Who Are You Callin' a Book Store, Aintcha
You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
I'm Slam Panel: Strip Detective. I am investigating the death of a popular TV star.
Can I help you?
I notice that you have about a dozen books on the actor, Dude Puddin...and he's only been dead three days.
My first step was to research the dead man's past. Check to see who may have had a reason to kill him.
Oh yes. We have had quite an interest in books about the famous, "Rat Bastard: Attorney at Law!"
And where do you keep the NON-fiction biographies?
And the list of suspects was not getting any shorter.
Sir? They're ALL non-fiction
Lady, you just made the list!
christopher7murphy's bookstore2007 set
08/09/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/09/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/09/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/18/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/22/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/22/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/22/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/24/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/24/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/24/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/24/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/24/07 - You're a Ook Store, Aintcha?
09/02/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
09/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
09/10/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
09/10/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/17/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/17/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/19/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/21/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
10/21/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/18/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/23/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
11/23/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/05/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/06/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/08/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/12/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/21/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/21/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/29/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
12/29/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/11/08 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/12/08 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/16/08 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/16/08 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
01/16/08 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
07/31/07 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
08/03/08 - Spit is Extra
08/03/08 - All the Spit You Can Eat Mondays
08/03/08 - Spit Take
02/10/08 - You're a Book Store, Aintcha?
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TV in One Panel or Less
Who Are You Callin' a Book Store, Aintcha
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