Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

CC182: Strip(Creator) Board Game

Though it's riddled with in-jokes and obscure references that even today's SC regulars may not get, I think this series should still be at least somewhat accessible to anyone who's ever been part of an internet community. Anyway, it won Comic Contest 182, which is full of other great comics you should also read.

by evil_d
28K: Hold this card until instructed to discard it, or until you draw a T3 card. While you hold it, subtract 1 from all your movement rolls.
So..... I..... says..... Well..... them..... rotor..... turbines.....
I know how you feel, man.
T3: Hold this card until instructed to discard it, or until you draw a 28K card. While you hold it, add 1 to all your movement rolls.
I'm stripping at a rate of 3.26 comics per second.
LIVING LEGEND: You write a comic that people will be talking about for years to come. As long as you hold this card, double any number you roll on a die for any reason.
You've got cancer!

this comic belongs to set
CC182: Strip(Creator) Board Game

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