Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

CC182: Strip(Creator) Board Game

Though it's riddled with in-jokes and obscure references that even today's SC regulars may not get, I think this series should still be at least somewhat accessible to anyone who's ever been part of an internet community. Anyway, it won Comic Contest 182, which is full of other great comics you should also read.

by evil_d
MISREMEMBERED PLATITUDE TROUT: Hold this card. Discard it when you land on a space of your choosing to avoid all the consequences (negative and positive) of that space.
An apple a day leads to Rome.
BETTING ON THE NEWBIES: You and the other players take bets on how long certain newbies will stay around. You win. Collect $20 from each player.
It's simple really. Time spent at site is inversely proportional to funniness.
DCCVCT: Hold this card. You may discard it whenever you are forced to pay money to a player or the bank. Collect that amount from that player or the bank instead.
Your comic thesis on nuclear physics was brilliant.
I've never been so drunk in my life as when I wrote that.

this comic belongs to set
CC182: Strip(Creator) Board Game

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