Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

In Three Panels

Great and not-so-great creative works ridiculed in a format that fits your busy schedule.

by evil_d
My pals and I have some devices that let us explore other people's dreams & steal their secrets. You'd think news of this technology would have spread like wildfire, but no.
I need you to put together a team that can plant an idea in somebody's mind. Make sure to include a pretty girl who can solve all your psychological problems.
In the dream world, you can create anything you can imagine! Like... fancy hotels! Or car chases!
What if I can imagine things that haven't been in a million Hollywood movies already?
Well, we're safely back in reality now. OR ARE WE?? You can decide for yourself what this story is about! Isn't that so clever?
I could have stayed home and done that for free, jackass!

this comic belongs to set
In Three Panels

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