Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

A Nation Perplexed

This is a sort of spontaneous tag-team series that wirthling and I did at the height of the "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" meme's popularity. Peruse these strips, tangential strips, and comments in the forum thread.

by wirthling
Unconvinced by evil_d's explanation, the President asks for help from NSA cryptographers...
After studying the phrase "All your base are belong to us," we have discovered several anagrams that may be of some significance...
"Great boobs a-lull our NSA eye."
"A lab to rub eel gel on your ass."
"Grab beer, you loose anal slut!"
"O go see us rub a lonely lab rat."...What do you think, Mr. President?
I'm thinkin' maybe you boys need to get out of the lab a little more often...

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