Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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FTC 62 New on Fox, Cruel Ass Jokes!
We have a puzzle here, Inspector Lonnrot.
Indeed. Indeed! What do you think happened here?
It looks like my wife was brutally raped and murdered...*sob
And that's where you're wrong...becasue You're on Candid Camera!
She's alive??!! Oh my GOD My LOVE!!!
No, she was raped and murdered, but you should have seen the look on your face!! HAHAHA!
flipynif1's Comiccomp set
03/12/05 - FTC 58: Bad cops bad cops, what ya gonna do?
05/07/05 - FTC 62 New on Fox, Cruel Ass Jokes!
05/07/05 - BTC 29: STD for me
06/09/05 - BTC 31: This is your life.
06/09/05 - BTC 31: Dreams can't come true.
06/11/05 - FTC 64 - Oh Me So Hooorny
06/17/05 - OPC 5: Dealy Sin 8 - No Pranks
06/18/05 - OPC 5: Deadly Sin 9: Breaking Contest Rules
06/30/05 - BTC33 - 5ux0rz
07/09/05 - FTC 67, Family is happy time
07/09/05 - FTC 67 - understanding
07/12/05 - FTC 67 - Num NUms
07/19/05 - FTC 68 - Wanna F******* (frenchfry)
07/26/05 - FTC 68: What to do when a pun flies high
08/04/05 - BTC 35 Zombonie
08/05/05 - OPC 7 - Me So Solly!
08/05/05 - OPC 7 - Protection is IMPORTANT, GOT IT!
08/05/05 - OPC 7 - Bath Time for Bonzo!
08/06/05 - OPC 7 - Still Drunk From Last Night
08/09/05 - FTC 69 - The Rod Of Justice Shall Prevail.
08/09/05 - FTC 69 - Fudgepackers Inc.
08/13/05 - BTC 36: Brains fall out
08/13/05 - BTC (some number): Chinese not DUMB!
08/23/05 - BTC 37: My Crappy Template
08/23/05 - BTC 37: Second Choice
08/26/05 - The Cherry Danish Agenda
08/26/05 - The Atlantic Is Going To War!
09/01/05 - ww:40 Mr. Nevergetslaid (though granny loves him)
09/06/05 - Katrina's feelings
09/06/05 - WW ??, Not that bad, really
09/08/05 - CC 296: Hate to see you leave, but LOVE to watch you go!
09/08/05 - BTC 38: Mealtime is FUNtime
09/16/05 - CC 297: take 1
09/16/05 - CC 297: Take 2
09/16/05 - CC 297- take 3
09/16/05 - CC 297: take 4
09/17/05 - BTC 40: AA Works! Step one: Get Hammered
09/17/05 - BTC 40: Help is not enough
09/20/05 - BTC 40: WHAT YOU SAY??
09/22/05 - BTC 41 - Thought Process
09/22/05 - BTC 41 - W00t sux0rz
09/22/05 - FTC 72 - Numba 69
09/22/05 - BTC 41 - $$=0
09/27/05 - CC 298: Farmers Sausage
09/28/05 - BTC: Forty-Two Template
09/28/05 - FTC 73 - Village Police Officer
09/29/05 - OPC 11: The Tale of Flipynif
09/29/05 - FTC 73: Soups on!
09/30/05 - OPC 11: Boorite
09/30/05 - OPC 11- Biped
09/30/05 - OPC 11 - Crabby
10/04/05 - CC 299: The Late Great TUBBOY!
10/04/05 - CC 299: Gimme it, or she gimme you
10/04/05 - CC 299: RandomComicLayoutGuy Revamped.
10/04/05 - CC 299: Edoggydog style
10/05/05 - CC 299: DOCTOR DOCTOR!
10/05/05 - CC: 299 Entry!
10/07/05 - CC: 299 - Flipynif for Prez!
10/07/05 - CC 299: Edoggy dog style
10/07/05 - CC: 299 Edoggydog convo
10/07/05 - CC: 299 - Someone stop me
10/11/05 - CC: 300 - Evolution Explained.
10/11/05 - CC 300: More Evolution Explained
10/13/05 - ICC 2: Lispen to me.
10/13/05 - ICC 2: Snot a problem
10/18/05 - BTC 43: Looney Coons
10/18/05 - CC 301: Chinese Chicken go MEOW!
10/18/05 - FTC 74: Special Delivery
10/21/05 - OPC 13 - Ensen Superstition-Death to red shirted nameless
10/21/05 - BTC 43 - Blacktains log
10/22/05 - OPC 14: 10,9,8...
10/22/05 - OPC 14: Clean bill of cat
10/22/05 - OPC 14: Fatass flabbergastion traqpdoor question
11/01/05 - OPC 15: EXAMAPLE!
11/01/05 - FTC 75: Marriage is a Hokey Pokey
11/02/05 - CC 303: The year granny mistook her meds for candy
11/02/05 - BTC 45: I don't fuckin know :s
11/05/05 - ICC: Tactic one, put two competing companies on the line.
11/08/05 - OPC 16 - Rape me my father, for I have sinned.
11/08/05 - CC 304: To boldy go where no man has gone before.
11/10/05 - ICC Stawwing Fishhand and BACONMIME!
11/10/05 - ICC Of mice and Men
11/10/05 - ICC Chruch is teh fun
11/10/05 - ICC Didn't see it coming.
11/10/05 - ICC Women are neato
11/12/05 - FTC 76: Swaggle it! NOW!
11/12/05 - OPC 17: Realize THIS!
11/12/05 - OPC 17: Bic sales are huge during colon cancer month!
11/22/05 - CC 305 - I am worse
11/26/05 - ICC 15: Women are dispensers
11/26/05 - ICC 15: Nice Name
11/26/05 - ICC#15: Please give because she needs more twinkies
01/26/06 - OPC 21: Addams Family Style (ugh)
01/26/06 - ICC WHATEVER!!
02/01/06 - CC: 312 Numba 1
02/01/06 - CC: 312 Numba 2
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