Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Real Life
Based on actual events I've had in "Real Life".
Real Life: Scat Cat
What the hell did you do that for?!
I thought that was what you wanted me to get you for your birthday.
A chili dog?! You thought I wanted you to shit on my chest for my birthday?!
Well, that's what I got from the clue you left me.
What clue?
When you told me you wanted to go camping at Lake Titicaca.
four_legged_tripod's RealLife set
06/22/09 - Real Life: 7 Year Bitch
06/23/09 - Real Life: Rhyme Time
06/25/09 - Real Life: Theology
07/13/09 - Real Life: Family Bonds
07/13/09 - Real Life: Family Bonds Alt Ending
07/16/09 - Real Life: Wipe Out
09/03/09 - CC 432: Real Life Overlord
07/17/09 - Real Life: Four Legged Tripod
10/13/09 - Real Life: Relationships
10/21/09 - Real Life: Puppet Master
01/18/10 - Real Life: Getting Warmer
02/08/10 - Real Life: Clamming Up
02/08/10 - Real Life: Pearls of Wisdom
03/15/10 - Real Life: Behind Closed Doors
03/23/10 - Real Life: Hocus Pocus
05/18/10 - Real Life: Scat Cat
01/18/11 - Real Life: Top Chef
01/28/11 - Real Life: After Birth
02/01/11 - Real Life: 1,2,3, Magic
02/08/11 - Real Life: When I was Your Age
02/08/11 - Real Life: Kitchen Tools
02/08/11 - Real Life: Rated M for Mature
02/10/11 - Real Life: Doctor Doctor
02/21/11 - Real Life: Spelunking
02/21/11 - Real Life: Fashion Police
02/25/11 - Real Life: Dog Days
02/28/11 - Real Life: Music Critic
03/02/11 - Real Life: Testing, Testing
03/11/11 - Real Life: Joking Around
03/18/11 - Real Life: Heavy Cream
04/19/11 - Real Life: Doggie-House Bag
06/29/11 - Real Life: Adult Disney
07/05/11 - Real Life: Finishing Each Others Sentences
08/03/11 - Real Life: Give Her a Hand
08/11/11 - Real Life: Paying the Gas Bill
09/27/11 - Real Life: Pillow Talk
10/31/11 - Real Life: One Lump or Two
11/23/11 - Real Life: Ethnicity
01/17/12 - Real Life: Middle Schoolers
01/24/12 - Real Life: Choice Words
02/13/12 - Real Life: King of the Mountain
02/26/12 - Real Life: Enough
03/01/12 - Real Life: Dress Rehearsal
03/16/12 - Real Life: Family Game Night
04/26/12 - Real Life: Breaking Up is Hard to Do
05/05/12 - Real Life: BFF
05/09/12 - Real Life: TV Time
05/11/12 - Real Life: Old Folks Home
04/20/12 - Real Life: 4/20
05/25/12 - Real Life: Kitchen Gourmet
05/28/12 - Real Life: Potty Mouth
05/29/12 - Real Life: Future Self Warning
06/05/12 - Real Life: Child's Play
06/16/12 - Real Life: Toy Story
07/23/12 - Real Life: Nap Time
07/24/12 - Real Life: Board Names
09/10/12 - Real Life: Water Supply
10/02/12 - Real Life: Ultimate Fortune Cookie
12/27/12 - Real Life: Christmas Trap
01/08/13 - Real Life: I Heard That
01/10/13 - Real Life: Heaven Scent
04/16/13 - Real Life: Tax Deadline
04/18/13 - Real Life: Filibuster
04/29/13 - Real Life: Motherly Love
05/02/13 - Real Life: Son's Best Friend
05/22/13 - Real Life: Over the Rainbow
06/05/13 - Real Life: Birthday Wish
06/20/13 - Real Life: Staycation
06/20/13 - Real Life: Going Continental
06/20/13 - Real Life: It's a Jungle Out There
06/20/13 - Real Life: Ships Ahoy
06/20/13 - Real Life: Arcade Fire
06/25/13 - Real Life: Origin Story
07/02/13 - Real Life: Mourning Wood
08/12/13 - Real Life: W.A.S.P. Nest
09/25/13 - Real Life: Foreign Language
10/07/13 - Real Life: Lickity Split
10/07/13 - Real Life: Forget-Me-Not
11/24/13 - Real Life: iMakeup
11/24/13 - Real Life: Give Thanks
12/02/13 - Real Life: Deck the Halls
12/19/13 - Real Life: Night Night
12/30/13 - Real Life: Jingle Smells
01/02/14 - Real Life: New Year's Eve
02/27/14 - Real Life: It's All in How You Say It
03/26/14 - Real Life: To Tell the Truth
04/07/14 - Real Life: Money Mangement
05/21/14 - Real Life: Won't You Be My Neighbor
06/16/14 - Real Life: The Borrowers
06/26/14 - Real Life: Sara Lee
08/13/14 - Real Life: Type Casting
09/15/14 - Real Life: What If...
10/09/14 - Real Life: The Joys of Owning a Cat
10/27/14 - Real Life: Spam-A-Lot
10/31/14 - Real Life: Alma Mater
11/14/14 - Real Life: Money Can't Buy You... Well, Sometimes it Can
01/27/15 - Real Life: Like a Fine Wine
04/05/15 - Real Life: Easter Surprise
05/15/15 - Real Life: In the Thicke of it
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Real Life
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