Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Real Life
Based on actual events I've had in "Real Life".
Real Life: Doctor Doctor
So what's the verdict doc?
You're fairly healthy. Continue the self exams. Have your wife give you a testicular exam each month. You also need to cut back on fatty foods.
Your cholesterol will improve if you lose 10 pounds and you should add more fiber to your diet.
So what did the doctor say?
You need to play with my balls more.
four_legged_tripod's RealLife set
06/22/09 - Real Life: 7 Year Bitch
06/23/09 - Real Life: Rhyme Time
06/25/09 - Real Life: Theology
07/13/09 - Real Life: Family Bonds
07/13/09 - Real Life: Family Bonds Alt Ending
07/16/09 - Real Life: Wipe Out
09/03/09 - CC 432: Real Life Overlord
07/17/09 - Real Life: Four Legged Tripod
10/13/09 - Real Life: Relationships
10/21/09 - Real Life: Puppet Master
01/18/10 - Real Life: Getting Warmer
02/08/10 - Real Life: Clamming Up
02/08/10 - Real Life: Pearls of Wisdom
03/15/10 - Real Life: Behind Closed Doors
03/23/10 - Real Life: Hocus Pocus
05/18/10 - Real Life: Scat Cat
01/18/11 - Real Life: Top Chef
01/28/11 - Real Life: After Birth
02/01/11 - Real Life: 1,2,3, Magic
02/08/11 - Real Life: When I was Your Age
02/08/11 - Real Life: Kitchen Tools
02/08/11 - Real Life: Rated M for Mature
02/10/11 - Real Life: Doctor Doctor
02/21/11 - Real Life: Spelunking
02/21/11 - Real Life: Fashion Police
02/25/11 - Real Life: Dog Days
02/28/11 - Real Life: Music Critic
03/02/11 - Real Life: Testing, Testing
03/11/11 - Real Life: Joking Around
03/18/11 - Real Life: Heavy Cream
04/19/11 - Real Life: Doggie-House Bag
06/29/11 - Real Life: Adult Disney
07/05/11 - Real Life: Finishing Each Others Sentences
08/03/11 - Real Life: Give Her a Hand
08/11/11 - Real Life: Paying the Gas Bill
09/27/11 - Real Life: Pillow Talk
10/31/11 - Real Life: One Lump or Two
11/23/11 - Real Life: Ethnicity
01/17/12 - Real Life: Middle Schoolers
01/24/12 - Real Life: Choice Words
02/13/12 - Real Life: King of the Mountain
02/26/12 - Real Life: Enough
03/01/12 - Real Life: Dress Rehearsal
03/16/12 - Real Life: Family Game Night
04/26/12 - Real Life: Breaking Up is Hard to Do
05/05/12 - Real Life: BFF
05/09/12 - Real Life: TV Time
05/11/12 - Real Life: Old Folks Home
04/20/12 - Real Life: 4/20
05/25/12 - Real Life: Kitchen Gourmet
05/28/12 - Real Life: Potty Mouth
05/29/12 - Real Life: Future Self Warning
06/05/12 - Real Life: Child's Play
06/16/12 - Real Life: Toy Story
07/23/12 - Real Life: Nap Time
07/24/12 - Real Life: Board Names
09/10/12 - Real Life: Water Supply
10/02/12 - Real Life: Ultimate Fortune Cookie
12/27/12 - Real Life: Christmas Trap
01/08/13 - Real Life: I Heard That
01/10/13 - Real Life: Heaven Scent
04/16/13 - Real Life: Tax Deadline
04/18/13 - Real Life: Filibuster
04/29/13 - Real Life: Motherly Love
05/02/13 - Real Life: Son's Best Friend
05/22/13 - Real Life: Over the Rainbow
06/05/13 - Real Life: Birthday Wish
06/20/13 - Real Life: Staycation
06/20/13 - Real Life: Going Continental
06/20/13 - Real Life: It's a Jungle Out There
06/20/13 - Real Life: Ships Ahoy
06/20/13 - Real Life: Arcade Fire
06/25/13 - Real Life: Origin Story
07/02/13 - Real Life: Mourning Wood
08/12/13 - Real Life: W.A.S.P. Nest
09/25/13 - Real Life: Foreign Language
10/07/13 - Real Life: Lickity Split
10/07/13 - Real Life: Forget-Me-Not
11/24/13 - Real Life: iMakeup
11/24/13 - Real Life: Give Thanks
12/02/13 - Real Life: Deck the Halls
12/19/13 - Real Life: Night Night
12/30/13 - Real Life: Jingle Smells
01/02/14 - Real Life: New Year's Eve
02/27/14 - Real Life: It's All in How You Say It
03/26/14 - Real Life: To Tell the Truth
04/07/14 - Real Life: Money Mangement
05/21/14 - Real Life: Won't You Be My Neighbor
06/16/14 - Real Life: The Borrowers
06/26/14 - Real Life: Sara Lee
08/13/14 - Real Life: Type Casting
09/15/14 - Real Life: What If...
10/09/14 - Real Life: The Joys of Owning a Cat
10/27/14 - Real Life: Spam-A-Lot
10/31/14 - Real Life: Alma Mater
11/14/14 - Real Life: Money Can't Buy You... Well, Sometimes it Can
01/27/15 - Real Life: Like a Fine Wine
04/05/15 - Real Life: Easter Surprise
05/15/15 - Real Life: In the Thicke of it
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Real Life
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