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| Well, thank you Mr. Warlock for the singing penis, but I really need to start living the straight and narrow from now on or God's gonna have my ass. | |
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| Look, Monkey, you're in my world now. These fire-breathing fists can get you anything you like. Alcohol, blow, strippers, you name it. | |
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| Thanks for the offer, but really, no. I mean it would take a room full of barely teenage girls to make me fall back in my old ways. | |
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| Down the hall, third room on the right. | |
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| ♫ Thank heaven for little girls they grow up in the most delightful way! Those little eyes so helpless and appealing one day will flash and send you crashin' thru the ceilin'. ♫ | |
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| Well, it's good to know that both my heads are thinking the same way! | |
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