Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Real Life Vol 2
Based on actual events I've had in "Real Life".
Real Life: Testy, Testy
Fine! Then maybe I'll just leave and not return!
Don't you dare test me, young man!
What's the capitol of Ohio? How long did the war of 1812 last? If a train leaves from Chicago travelling at...
four_legged_tripod's reallifevol2 set
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
09/02/15 - Real Life: Get On Up
10/05/15 - Real Life: The Big 4-0
02/22/16 - Real Life: Appliances
03/07/16 - Real Life: Lent
07/22/16 - Real Life: Pokey Man
09/28/16 - Real Life: Get Wit It
10/31/16 - Real Life: Testy, Testy
11/22/16 - Real Life: But it's on Sale!
12/02/16 - Real Life: Two for One
12/30/16 - Real Life: Losing My Religion
01/02/17 - Real Life: Crossy Road
02/23/17 - Real Life: Fear Itself
02/07/17 - Real Life: Animal Instinct
03/10/17 - Real Life: Give Me Credit
05/20/16 - Real Life: Guessing Game
03/16/17 - Real Life: Reset
03/16/17 - Real Life: Password
04/03/17 - Real Life: Why LOTR Felt Like a 6 Hour Movie
04/11/17 - Real Life: Dreamscape
04/13/17 - Real Life: Shower Time
04/17/17 - Real Life: Risen
04/21/17 - Real Life: Getting to Know the Neighbors
04/27/17 - Real Life: Drop it
05/11/17 - Real Life: Hard Time
07/05/17 - Real Life: Party Time
07/24/17 - Real Life: It's Just a Theory
11/01/17 - Real Life: Patriot Act
11/15/17 - Real Life: Know Your Audience
11/28/17 - Real Life: Alexa
02/14/18 - Real Life: Freezer Burn
03/01/18 - Real Life: Game Show Network
04/06/18 - Real Life: Customer Service Call
04/10/18 - Real Life: Schedules
05/18/18 - Real Life: School's Out for the Summer
05/21/18 - Real Life: Chick-Fil-A
07/10/18 - Real Life: Geekity, Geekity, Goo
09/25/18 - Real Life: Birthday Gifts
10/03/18 - Real Life: Trump Card
11/30/18 - Real Life: #November
02/13/19 - Real Life: The Dirty Dog Whisperer
04/15/19 - Real Life: Touchy Touchy
06/24/19 - Real Life: Call Me Maybe
08/28/19 - Real Life: Healthy Habits
10/03/19 - Real Life: The Talking Heads
11/11/19 - Real Life: Spare Some Change
05/13/19 - Real Life: Equal Opportunity Offenders
11/20/19 - Real Life: Samples
02/20/20 - Real Life: Dress for Success
03/25/20 - Real Life: City Wide Shutdown
05/04/20 - Real Life: Semantics
06/18/20 - Real Life: Failure to Communicate
08/21/20 - Real Life: Back to School
10/01/20 - Real Life: Fitbits
11/16/20 - Real Life: On the Job
01/05/21 - Real Life: Numbers Game
05/10/21 - Real Life: #vanlife
05/17/21 - Real Life: Recruitment
05/25/21 - Real Life: Cam Girl
07/06/21 - Real Life: Cinco de Fourth
07/23/21 - Real Life: Passwords
09/11/21 - Real Life: Feeling Old
09/15/21 - Real Life: s h I.T.
11/02/21 - Real Life: Subway Stop
11/20/21 - Real Life: No-vember
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Real Life Vol 2
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