Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Real Life Vol 2
Based on actual events I've had in "Real Life".
Real Life: Crossy Road
What's with the scratch on the car?
I hit a sign.
I would think there would have been more damage.
The crossing guard took most of the impact.
four_legged_tripod's reallifevol2 set
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
08/18/15 - Real Life: Comic Cup
09/02/15 - Real Life: Get On Up
10/05/15 - Real Life: The Big 4-0
02/22/16 - Real Life: Appliances
03/07/16 - Real Life: Lent
07/22/16 - Real Life: Pokey Man
09/28/16 - Real Life: Get Wit It
10/31/16 - Real Life: Testy, Testy
11/22/16 - Real Life: But it's on Sale!
12/02/16 - Real Life: Two for One
12/30/16 - Real Life: Losing My Religion
01/02/17 - Real Life: Crossy Road
02/23/17 - Real Life: Fear Itself
02/07/17 - Real Life: Animal Instinct
03/10/17 - Real Life: Give Me Credit
05/20/16 - Real Life: Guessing Game
03/16/17 - Real Life: Reset
03/16/17 - Real Life: Password
04/03/17 - Real Life: Why LOTR Felt Like a 6 Hour Movie
04/11/17 - Real Life: Dreamscape
04/13/17 - Real Life: Shower Time
04/17/17 - Real Life: Risen
04/21/17 - Real Life: Getting to Know the Neighbors
04/27/17 - Real Life: Drop it
05/11/17 - Real Life: Hard Time
07/05/17 - Real Life: Party Time
07/24/17 - Real Life: It's Just a Theory
11/01/17 - Real Life: Patriot Act
11/15/17 - Real Life: Know Your Audience
11/28/17 - Real Life: Alexa
02/14/18 - Real Life: Freezer Burn
03/01/18 - Real Life: Game Show Network
04/06/18 - Real Life: Customer Service Call
04/10/18 - Real Life: Schedules
05/18/18 - Real Life: School's Out for the Summer
05/21/18 - Real Life: Chick-Fil-A
07/10/18 - Real Life: Geekity, Geekity, Goo
09/25/18 - Real Life: Birthday Gifts
10/03/18 - Real Life: Trump Card
11/30/18 - Real Life: #November
02/13/19 - Real Life: The Dirty Dog Whisperer
04/15/19 - Real Life: Touchy Touchy
06/24/19 - Real Life: Call Me Maybe
08/28/19 - Real Life: Healthy Habits
10/03/19 - Real Life: The Talking Heads
11/11/19 - Real Life: Spare Some Change
05/13/19 - Real Life: Equal Opportunity Offenders
11/20/19 - Real Life: Samples
02/20/20 - Real Life: Dress for Success
03/25/20 - Real Life: City Wide Shutdown
05/04/20 - Real Life: Semantics
06/18/20 - Real Life: Failure to Communicate
08/21/20 - Real Life: Back to School
10/01/20 - Real Life: Fitbits
11/16/20 - Real Life: On the Job
01/05/21 - Real Life: Numbers Game
05/10/21 - Real Life: #vanlife
05/17/21 - Real Life: Recruitment
05/25/21 - Real Life: Cam Girl
07/06/21 - Real Life: Cinco de Fourth
07/23/21 - Real Life: Passwords
09/11/21 - Real Life: Feeling Old
09/15/21 - Real Life: s h I.T.
11/02/21 - Real Life: Subway Stop
11/20/21 - Real Life: No-vember
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Real Life Vol 2
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