Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Rated G

Some of my family- and work-friendly comics: no profanity, innuendo, etc. I mainly made this set to show my family my comics; I have younger cousins who might like some of these, but I wouldn't want to show them some of my more "adult" comics. The strips are presented in the order they were made. This isn't all of my G-rated strips; the set is full and I don't feel like making another.

by kane2742
Hey, have you met my imaginary friend, Abby?
Hi, Abby.
I'm not imaginary. Everyone can see me.
Name one person who can't.
Umm...Stevie Wonder?

this comic belongs to set
Rated G : Based on a True Story

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