Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

Dr. Lawson: Advice Columnist

The humourous adventures of Dr. Lawson, an advice columnist who would rather tell the truth than be nice.

by little_kitty
Dear Dr. Lawson, I can't seem to find any information on prostitutes in my area that are STI free. Any resources?
Uhhhhhhh... Try east 75th street.
Dear Dr. Lawson, I love fast food, but it doesn't love me. Comments?
Sell your organs to McDonalds when you die. Its the best thing you can do.
Dear Dr. Lawson, I love you. Marry me?
Cha nel as Baarle.

this comic belongs to set
Dr. Lawson: Advice Columnist

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