Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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your bartender hates you
i bartend. don't make me hate you.
your bartender hates you: To Insure Piece of mind
OH tee hee.. i'm sooo sorry i'm such a bad tipper. a quarter just really isn't enough but i just don't have enough money to drink AND tip.
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
you know it just SUCKS so bad. money is SOOO freaking tight for everyone these days. and the beer is WAY expensive. priorities, right? OH LOL.
yeah, because the prices are my fault.
LOLOLOL oh i know it's not your fault!!! i'm just saying it SUCKS. i really AM sorry!!!
at least i'm no longer sorry about using a cup that fell on the floor.
mycatdrinkswine's bartending set
04/19/07 - your bartender hates you: the truth about domestic beers
05/30/07 - your bartender hates you: you asked for it. kinda.
06/02/07 - your bartender hates you: don't let me choose, really.
07/09/07 - your bartender hates you: 1 part confused, 2 disappointed
07/09/07 - your bartender hates you: how not to hit on the bartender
07/17/07 - your bartender hates you: the truth hurts
12/10/07 - your bartender hates you: grow up.
10/01/08 - your bartender hates you: it's all piss water
10/13/08 - your bartender hates you: seriously, it's on the house
10/13/08 - your bartender hates you: To Insure Piece of mind
10/18/08 - your bartender hates you: To Insure Professionalism
10/29/08 - your bartender hates you: "idiot" should be a register key
02/24/10 - your bartender hates you: ME EITHER
02/25/10 - your bartender hates you: what i should have said 1
02/25/10 - your bartender hates you: what i should have said 2
02/25/10 - your bartender hates you: at least he's honest?
03/10/10 - your bartender hates you: wait... what?
03/10/10 - your bartender hates you: they always miss the point
03/15/10 - your bartender hates you: do you realize cognac IS brandy?
04/26/10 - Your bartender hates you: Cup size
05/11/11 - your bartender hates you: new drink name - punch in the twat
05/11/11 - your bartender hates you: she didn't deserve it anyway
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: mixed drinks include a mix
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: what do you think?
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 2
12/05/11 - your bartender hates you: simple math is hard
12/05/11 - your bartender hates you: where do these people come from?
12/05/11 - your bartender hates you: the special shot
01/18/12 - your bartender hates you: why i'll never be 'lead bartender'
01/18/12 - your bartender hates you: I'll look that up tomorrow.
01/19/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 3
01/20/12 - your bartender hates you: say what now?
01/20/12 - your bartender hates you: it all tastes like the can anyway
02/17/12 - your bartender hates you: obviously.
02/17/12 - your bartender hates you: much cheaper that way
02/17/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 4
03/30/12 - your bartender hates you: Corona is nasty in any container
03/30/12 - your bartender hates you: A conversation I have every night
04/02/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 5
04/03/12 - your bartender hates you: no really, i'm somewhat concerned
05/09/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 6
05/10/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 7
05/10/12 - your bartender hates you: how hard did you hit your head?
07/13/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 8
01/20/13 - your bartender hates you: Where are my real options?
01/29/13 - your bartender hates you: no booze for you
02/06/13 - your bartender hates you: WWJD
02/26/13 - your bartender hates you: 50 shades of uncomfortable
12/06/19 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 9
12/08/19 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 10
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your bartender hates you
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