Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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your bartender hates you
i bartend. don't make me hate you.
your bartender hates you: what i should have said 2
and here's your beer. thanks!
some of my best friends are lesbians.
awesome. what are their names, i probably know them.
mycatdrinkswine's bartending set
04/19/07 - your bartender hates you: the truth about domestic beers
05/30/07 - your bartender hates you: you asked for it. kinda.
06/02/07 - your bartender hates you: don't let me choose, really.
07/09/07 - your bartender hates you: 1 part confused, 2 disappointed
07/09/07 - your bartender hates you: how not to hit on the bartender
07/17/07 - your bartender hates you: the truth hurts
12/10/07 - your bartender hates you: grow up.
10/01/08 - your bartender hates you: it's all piss water
10/13/08 - your bartender hates you: seriously, it's on the house
10/13/08 - your bartender hates you: To Insure Piece of mind
10/18/08 - your bartender hates you: To Insure Professionalism
10/29/08 - your bartender hates you: "idiot" should be a register key
02/24/10 - your bartender hates you: ME EITHER
02/25/10 - your bartender hates you: what i should have said 1
02/25/10 - your bartender hates you: what i should have said 2
02/25/10 - your bartender hates you: at least he's honest?
03/10/10 - your bartender hates you: wait... what?
03/10/10 - your bartender hates you: they always miss the point
03/15/10 - your bartender hates you: do you realize cognac IS brandy?
04/26/10 - Your bartender hates you: Cup size
05/11/11 - your bartender hates you: new drink name - punch in the twat
05/11/11 - your bartender hates you: she didn't deserve it anyway
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: mixed drinks include a mix
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: what do you think?
10/20/11 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 2
12/05/11 - your bartender hates you: simple math is hard
12/05/11 - your bartender hates you: where do these people come from?
12/05/11 - your bartender hates you: the special shot
01/18/12 - your bartender hates you: why i'll never be 'lead bartender'
01/18/12 - your bartender hates you: I'll look that up tomorrow.
01/19/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 3
01/20/12 - your bartender hates you: say what now?
01/20/12 - your bartender hates you: it all tastes like the can anyway
02/17/12 - your bartender hates you: obviously.
02/17/12 - your bartender hates you: much cheaper that way
02/17/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 4
03/30/12 - your bartender hates you: Corona is nasty in any container
03/30/12 - your bartender hates you: A conversation I have every night
04/02/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 5
04/03/12 - your bartender hates you: no really, i'm somewhat concerned
05/09/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 6
05/10/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 7
05/10/12 - your bartender hates you: how hard did you hit your head?
07/13/12 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 8
01/20/13 - your bartender hates you: Where are my real options?
01/29/13 - your bartender hates you: no booze for you
02/06/13 - your bartender hates you: WWJD
02/26/13 - your bartender hates you: 50 shades of uncomfortable
12/06/19 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 9
12/08/19 - your bartender hates you: corporate logic 10
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your bartender hates you
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