Mr. Schiazza notices a subtle change in James' appearance. He suspects that James has contracted an STD as a result of his promiscuity.
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| James, something has changed about you. I just can't put my finger on it, I'm sure Kevin will be able to help me. | |
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| Schiazza, nothing has changed, I don't know what you're talking about. | |
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Earlier that day, James was seen lurching around the auditorium, behind the stage with a rather promiscuous looking whore.
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| Wow James, you really are excellent. So the rumour is true, you go down on girls, but you won't let them return the favor? What a ladies man! | |
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| Don't worry little lady, it was my pleasure. Tell your friends to ask for Jazzy James, and I'll come a' knockin' | |
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James' blatent sexual behavior finally catches up with him. He has infected over 30 girls within the Middlesex League with gonorea and herpes.
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| James, I've let you have your fun with three months of gonorea. Now its time for you to come with me. | |
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| Aww man! It was fun being a disease-infested male whore while it lasted! | |
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