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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

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From the Metal-Rules message board FAQ:

""What is mallcore and why there is no such thing as "nu-metal."

Some people refer to this as "rap-metal" or as "nu-metal." Some bands who don't rap are still mallcore. Mallcore bands include: K**N, Limp Dickshit, Korn Chamber, Defcunts, ShitSnot, System of a Clown, Dope, (NEW) Machine Head, Static X, PowerKorn 5000, Kid Cock, Kittie....etc.

Just because a band is popular DOES NOT mean it's mallcore. For example Pantera are very popular as are Black Sabbath....however neither are mallcore - they are heavy metal. Mallcore fans ARE NOT metalheads. Image may not be everything, but if you dress up and portray yourself as a rapper then we tell it like we see it! - The ones with their pants crotch to their knees, their short spikey hair (usually dyed yellow), their pointy goatees and chains around their necks...these people look like gansta rappers, NOT like metalheads. These mallcore freaks are the ones who know nothing of the history of metal or metal beyond what some lame media outlet run by a bunch of suits (not metalheads) decide to call metal. You ask these mallcore kids about any band before 1990 and they say it sux unless it's Ozzy and Sabbath because Ozzy's Shitfest for some reason has brought out all these lame bands that all these mallcore freaks love. To them a band like Iron Maiden is "old" and "80's music." Iron Maiden are every bit as relevant today as ever. Ask a mallcore kid about a NEW (not nu) band like Iced Earth, Steel Prophet, Nevermore, Stratovarius or even heavier bands like The Crown or Testament and they don't know shit about them!

To put it simply, Mallcore is nothing but noisy guitars with rapped, whined and screamed vocals thrown over it. Just a fad that is destined to disappear!!"

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

12-18-01 8:48am (new)
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Stripcreator Newbie

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Mallcore devalues proper rap music as well.

12-18-01 9:21am (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

I'm personally more put off by the fans of the bands you mention than the bands themselves... except maybe Kid Cock and Wimp Shizznit.

Aside from that, there's *one* thing that kind of bothers me about the rant. I'm generally in favor of different musical styles meeting as long as it's done well and is on the whole pleasing. Take Otyg, or Storm for example... that's not at all typical metal and it wouldn't have come about without artists being unashamed of mixing genres.

I'm now going to slam my fingers in a door for typing the word "Shizznit."

12-18-01 9:32am (new)
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Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Why's it called mallcore anyway? Do they play it in shopping malls? My local supermarket just plays instrumental versions of Corrs and Texas songs.

12-18-01 10:22am (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

the biscuit game guys DID have a good guitarist, not for talent but rather vision

if you had five of him on differet instruments then you would have a ghood band

Who knows what fear lurks in the hearts of men? MIKE BOBSICO KNOWS! And if you give him a decent tip when he delivers your mail , he might tell you.

12-18-01 10:45am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

What I'm put off by is pointless elitism.

I've never heard anyone categorize any of the above-listed bands as metal. I've never heard of "nu-metal" or "rap-metal" either, but really, I don't care what anyone calls their genre.

Are there really a whole lot of people who are trying to steal undeserved popularity by hitching their non-metal bands to the metal caravan?

Are they succeeding?

Does it decrease the enjoyment you get from listening to true metal music?

Would you think less of a metal fan if he also liked some of these bands?

Do you believe that music or entertainment have Platonic forms to which metal is closer than mallcore?

When I hear the word "metal", I think of '80s bands with ugly hair, agonizing guitar solos, and empty lyrics. I sure won't think any less of a band if you tell me it doesn't conform to that stereotype. Especially when I never imagined it might in the first place.

I like some of the bands named above, dislike others, and I'm proud to say that my opinion was influenced by nothing other than what I heard when I put the CD in the player.

I am at a loss to understand the cause of this vehement defense of the purity of "metal" against some nebulous foe of whose existence I'm unconvinced. Even if people in some particular region of the world -- let's say Northern California, just to pick a place at random -- are indeed conducting an organized assault upon metal's good name, what's the relevance to

How about you listen to what you like, and I'll listen to what I like, and if we want each other's opinions we can ask for them.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

12-18-01 11:05am (new)
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I fling the shoddy polo stick

Member Rated:

Rage Against the Machine is Rap-Metal. They're kinda cool.

Actualy I like the music more than I do the rap element. I belive DXero said they were commies or something.

12-18-01 11:14am (new)
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Member Rated:

What I'm put off by is pointless elitism.

I've never heard anyone categorize any of the above-listed bands as metal. I've never heard of "nu-metal" or "rap-metal" either, but really, I don't care what anyone calls their genre.

Are there really a whole lot of people who are trying to steal undeserved popularity by hitching their non-metal bands to the metal caravan?

Are they succeeding?

Does it decrease the enjoyment you get from listening to true metal music?

Would you think less of a metal fan if he also liked some of these bands?

Do you believe that music or entertainment have Platonic forms to which metal is closer than mallcore?

When I hear the word "metal", I think of '80s bands with ugly hair, agonizing guitar solos, and empty lyrics. I sure won't think any less of a band if you tell me it doesn't conform to that stereotype. Especially when I never imagined it might in the first place.

I like some of the bands named above, dislike others, and I'm proud to say that my opinion was influenced by nothing other than what I heard when I put the CD in the player.

I am at a loss to understand the cause of this vehement defense of the purity of "metal" against some nebulous foe of whose existence I'm unconvinced. Even if people in some particular region of the world -- let's say Northern California, just to pick a place at random -- are indeed conducting an organized assault upon metal's good name, what's the relevance to

How about you listen to what you like, and I'll listen to what I like, and if we want each other's opinions we can ask for them.


"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

12-18-01 12:20pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

i like it when people take a sensible stand

Who knows what fear lurks in the hearts of men? MIKE BOBSICO KNOWS! And if you give him a decent tip when he delivers your mail , he might tell you.

12-18-01 12:28pm (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

Rage did consider themselves socialists, I don't know about communists. The drummer, I heard, expressed no particular political allegiance, but was just there because he liked playing music. Zack, the former vocalist, is probably the biggest activist.

The obvious question is how you can call yourself a socialist while being signed to a major record label. I read an interview in which a band member (not Zack) partially addressed that issue. One thing he said was that they wanted their message to reach as many listeners as possible, and that most small-time bands couldn't do much more than preach to the choir. This is certainly a good point.

What number of those who call themselves Rage fans have paid any attention at all to the band's lyrics or message is anyone's guess.

I haven't really heard any news about Rage since Zack left, so maybe this information is outdated.

Here's an excellent unofficial FAQ.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

12-18-01 1:20pm (new)
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Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Yeah, I think Tom Morello said that. It's fair enough, but their being extremely rich tends to throw them open to allegations of hypocrisy.

12-18-01 1:48pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Did no one read the first part? It wasn't a RANT, it is a section of the message board fact. It's not exactly how I feel. I have never stated people should not listen to a certain type of music.

My main reason for wishing to have a distinction lies in the fact that MTV, record stores, record companies, distribution companies (such as columbia house) and radio stations ALL call that crap metal. It creates a negative stigma toward the actual genre of metal, which is far more diverse, intelligent, and thought-out than mallcore. I also have a secondary reason for the distinction. Essentially, I like to listen to new music, but I know I do NOT like most of mallcore. Therefore, it only stands to reason that I would NOT want to listen to a "metal" band and find out it's really crap that I do not like. I'm not trying to dictate others' listening habits in any way, so stop assuming that, and read a little more than just what you dislike in a post. I hate that shit.

Regarding RATM, a rapcore band with socialist messages: I do not like this band, musically or ideologically. As for signing onto a record label, the messages in the songs (at least that I've heard) have altered to a non-socialist ideal, and the basis of the band's ideals has gone to a very capitalistic process. That's why the former vocalist is gone, or so I've heard.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

12-18-01 2:00pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

I'd like to call myself a true Metal fan by saying that I owned all of Guns 'N Roses' albums before "Bizkit" were on the scene, but that isn't enough.

Andy, do you remember Tinman's "Guitar Wolf" cd? If that's the kind of stuff I need to listen to, to be able to call myself a true metal fan, then, I'll just stay where I am.

I'm a fan of music, I have a vast collection of albums by bands and artists who I consider to be great, ranging from Cypress Hill to Radiohead, Grandaddy to Slipknot, Wu-Tang to Led Zeppelin, Lemonheads to The Doors.

I don't commit myself to one particular style, I just like good music.

Dad was flammable

12-18-01 2:14pm (new)
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Your Cure for Lameness

Member Rated:

I will assume this isn't directed at me, since I really don't see elietism in my own personal stance... aside from an admited dislike of two bands and the fact that I don't normally enjoy being around the average Korn fan. (Even though I don't mind the band themselves.) You know how you once said "The more Vasquez fans I meet, the more ashamed I am to be one?" That's what I'm getting at with my statement.

I've never heard anyone categorize any of the above-listed bands as metal. I've never heard of "nu-metal" or "rap-metal" either, but really, I don't care what anyone calls their genre.

Are there really a whole lot of people who are trying to steal undeserved popularity by hitching their non-metal bands to the metal caravan?

Are they succeeding?

Does it decrease the enjoyment you get from listening to true metal music?

You may not have heard it, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. It's not the bands themselves that have given themselves those titles, but music journalists, record labels, and radio stations looking for a convenient name to give it. The root of DX's editorial (at least to my understanding) has to do with the fact that he percieves the musical style he loves to be threatened by the existence of bands that have nothing to do with it being grouped into the same caste. It doesn't diminish one's ability to enjoy their favorite music, but it does make it harder to find likeminded individuals when you both use the same word "metal" and end up meaning different things. It's like if you go to a restaurant and order Lobster only to be served Veil because of a difference in understood jargon.

Myself? No. But then again, I know plenty of others who would.

You have flown over my vocabulary... not in the words you've used, but in the way you've used them.

It's unfortunate that you have such a narrow view of a musical style wider than '80 hair bands. It's a notion that a lot of metal fans have to dispel on many occasions.

Good for you. What would make you think I'd be any different? (I'll only speak for myself here)

I think I explained the vehemence above. It's because of a percieved loss of a community. What does it have to do with What does a fawn with diarrhea have to do with Since when does anything in this board have to be related to it? This is the general discussions forum.

That's generally what I live by... of course when someone else starts up a conversation about it, I'll naturally add my own two cents.

12-18-01 2:16pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Film critic subordinaire

Member Rated:

Gah. Yes. It wasn't that much worse than Slipknot, though.

12-18-01 2:19pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

not Slipknot, I own nothing by them,

Mushroomhead, but I didn't think anyone would know who I meant, so I said Slipknot to make the contrast.

Dad was flammable

12-18-01 2:28pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Stavinski, Beethoven (for stark contrast between different classical styles), Creedence Clearwater, Johnny Cash, Iced Earth, Crystal Method, the Gathering, Tool, Dream Theater, the Doors, and Elvis Prestley, I like all these.

I have varied tastes in music, and I do not fault others for being the same. To be human is to be an individual, and it's certainly not my job to make sure people are not people.

As for the Elitism I treasure? I think everyone is a little bit elitist in some way, the difference is that I embrace and refine my elitism so that I do not find myself being a hypocrite. I see myself as a connoisseur of musical tastes, listening to that which I really like, and that which is extremely technical and requires a lot of talent. I don't just listen to music because it's really talented, as is evidenced by the fact that I like Grind, as well as the fact that while I respect Jazz, I can NOT stand it.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

12-18-01 2:30pm (new)
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Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

not being funny but the only people making a problem out of it are those that dont want the problem around

Who knows what fear lurks in the hearts of men? MIKE BOBSICO KNOWS! And if you give him a decent tip when he delivers your mail , he might tell you.

12-18-01 2:31pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Comic Overlord

Member Rated:

on the point of elitism someone said something very smart to me the other day

peopl have beleifs and hold tham as better than others for that reason, if they didnt then these beleifs would not be beleifs

i think the clarity of that particular philosopher was lost in my bastardisation but hey, i get it so it aint my lost


im better than you

Who knows what fear lurks in the hearts of men? MIKE BOBSICO KNOWS! And if you give him a decent tip when he delivers your mail , he might tell you.

12-18-01 2:35pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Not really.
When you create a stigmata geared toward a musical style, you equally create one that reflects upon those who listen to it. The idea that metalheads are all stupid, violent, angsty guys who are just children at heart is part of this negative ideal. I grow tired of these stereotypes being falsely applied to people who don't even listen to a the musical style they were originated from. The majority of metal is clean (lyrically), and is only risque in it's topics. As for the annoying idea that all metal is just distorted guitars and yelling, that's almost totally wrong. Death Metal is growling and distorted guitars, power metal is clean or lightly distorted guitars played really fast and technically with sung or high-pitched wailed vocals. Black metal is screeching vocals and high-pitched distorted guitars. Gothic metal is deep, distorted guitars, usually clean vocals and a very dark atmosphere. Thrash is screamed or sung vocals with fast, heavy, even more technical guitars (the distinction between this and power metal comes in when you listen, the mood is decidedly different, and the subject matters are quite different). Classic metal is a harder form of classic rock, with some classical elements unwittingly added. It's also commonly more technical than classic rock.

Essentially, metal is an EXTREMELY varied form of music that different obviously from mallcore, if someone is actually intelligent enough to actually attempt to discern between them. Mallcore listeners are often morons, trend-hoppers, rude, angsty, and young teenagers. Metalheads are usually fairly intelligent, somewhat happy, discerning, commonly very nice, dedicated 18-40 year olds who, instead of fighting over which band is the best, usually just come together because of a common love of a very varied form of music!

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

12-18-01 2:43pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Skagg, on your quote, it's a very good one, and quite true.

Though, it's spelled "belief".

But anyway, I do agree with it. A belief is essentially saying that you think you're right, and that those who disagree with you are wrong. To say that you do not think someone else is wrong is to say that you do not have that belief. :)

Also, when I said "stigmata" I meant "stigma". I type too fast sometimes.

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

12-18-01 2:46pm (new)
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Member Rated:

Oh, I thought you were making a comment about christcore...

"And Wirthling isn't worth the paper he isn't printed on."

12-18-01 2:49pm (new)
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I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Christian Hardcore.
Eh, I guess that's not implausible. "Christian Black Metal" on the other hand...

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

12-18-01 2:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I'm Here, You're Queer, Get Used to it

Member Rated:

Actually, I think there's already been several Christcore bands. POD is sorta a Christcore band, but that's a bit of an insult to the real "hardcore christian punk" bands out there. Not that "Christian punk" isn't an oxymoron ;)

Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants.

12-18-01 2:54pm (new)
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chooby digital (in stereo)

Member Rated:

Andy's Maw's an oxymoron

"What's an oxymoron?"
"It's like saying 'Military Intelligence'"

-- Newsradio

Dad was flammable

12-18-01 3:02pm (new)
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Stripcreator » General Discussion » Mallcore

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