I will assume this isn't directed at me, since I really don't see elietism in my own personal stance... aside from an admited dislike of two bands and the fact that I don't normally enjoy being around the average Korn fan. (Even though I don't mind the band themselves.) You know how you once said "The more Vasquez fans I meet, the more ashamed I am to be one?" That's what I'm getting at with my statement.
I've never heard anyone categorize any of the above-listed bands as metal. I've never heard of "nu-metal" or "rap-metal" either, but really, I don't care what anyone calls their genre.
Are there really a whole lot of people who are trying to steal undeserved popularity by hitching their non-metal bands to the metal caravan?
Are they succeeding?
Does it decrease the enjoyment you get from listening to true metal music?
You may not have heard it, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. It's not the bands themselves that have given themselves those titles, but music journalists, record labels, and radio stations looking for a convenient name to give it. The root of DX's editorial (at least to my understanding) has to do with the fact that he percieves the musical style he loves to be threatened by the existence of bands that have nothing to do with it being grouped into the same caste. It doesn't diminish one's ability to enjoy their favorite music, but it does make it harder to find likeminded individuals when you both use the same word "metal" and end up meaning different things. It's like if you go to a restaurant and order Lobster only to be served Veil because of a difference in understood jargon.
Myself? No. But then again, I know plenty of others who would.
You have flown over my vocabulary... not in the words you've used, but in the way you've used them.
It's unfortunate that you have such a narrow view of a musical style wider than '80 hair bands. It's a notion that a lot of metal fans have to dispel on many occasions.
Good for you. What would make you think I'd be any different? (I'll only speak for myself here)
I think I explained the vehemence above. It's because of a percieved loss of a community. What does it have to do with stripcreator.com? What does a fawn with diarrhea have to do with stripcreator.com? Since when does anything in this board have to be related to it? This is the general discussions forum.
That's generally what I live by... of course when someone else starts up a conversation about it, I'll naturally add my own two cents.