"Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set ye free!"
Cep't for the rent motherfuckers. Cause the rent is goin on. But... y'all can understand that.
Yo, I mean.. not you low rent motherfuckers, and all and.. some of y'all other motherfuckers, and.... and...
Wow. I suddenly don't feel like being black, anymore.
Must be a true bitch for all of my cousins who live there.
No idiomatic trade-in policy, there.
She was brilliant, actually. Seriously.
Pita was.
Pita has the social poise of a seventh generation Matriarch who married her sons to the queen.
And she would have fucked him until his teeth rattled at the drop of a hat, so... no shame on me.
I saw T- Roy, the other day, btw.
You'd still fuck him if he nodded at you.
I hate that.
I wanted my half in the middle and I wound up on the edge.