Again, in case I've suddenly gone dyslexic, the title of this forum is "Fights Go Here." From what I understand, this means I could post a thread screaming (in all caps) that my old high school career counselor was a redneck, racist, xenophobic, lardass monstrosity that wouldn't know a career if it chomped down on her immense ass. Whether or not this is true is irrelevant. Now there is a thread specifically for the discourse of said person with permission to be insulting and downright rude.
I live to make lists like this.
Now I suddenly have a purpose. It's all so clear.
Don't you just love those epiphanies? I had the purpose of my existance made clear when I was a freshman in college. I've been a thorn in peoples' sides ever since.
So...what's with the long validation post?
You're expecting meaning from an internet forum on a website about making comic strips where 90% of the population won't even cough up 50¢ to get donor status? Next you'll tell me you expect Hamlet to be full of fart jokes.
Whoa. Boorite's been rated intelligent! Way to go, man! *cracks open soda*
See above Re: Hamlet and the fart jokes.
Don't you hate those bastards? I've been in MENSA and I can tell you they are (generally) obnoxious bastards. What's super intelligence worth when my fellow members praised AOL?
Actually she had to fight tooth and nail against doctors and other nosy people so she could breast feed me. It wasn't fashionable back then. Stupid fad bullshit craze. Like Atkins. And "Xtreme" workout rigs.
Honestly I'm just doing this because I have an hour to kill before I head to the Players. And since jdplvy got himself banned, I have no one to mock. I don't even know you so I don't care one way or another.
I disagree. I think "smeg head" is much more appropriate. Besides, aren't pandas a sign of sexual harassment?
Tell that to my mother.
To each his own. Flocking, congregation, yadda yadda.
I do too, but only if it involves people who put their computers in a dishwasher to defrag it. Or morons who prove their pointlessness. Or middle management who think gray walls are perfect for a breakroom of already depressed employees.
By judging others, they sure point out their worth.
Kudos to you.
Oh come on, everyone does it. It's just human nature. Whether it's screaming loud about how much someone sucks or it's a mental note of the woman down the street's poor taste in footwear, it happens all the time. No use pretending to be above it, because that is a way of judging oneself to be morally superior to others.
Unless we evolve into pure energy and know the true face of God (which we'll probably still judge each other on size of energy cloud) it's gonna stick with us.
Or we could all be like the society in Demolition Man. Which would suck. I never figured out those shells.