You're actually not that bad... I've seen worse.
You also actually kinda make an attempt to tell real jokes sometimes, which is great. Too often, people here are quick to rely on uber-obsurist humor. [The Post-Modern humor obviously has elements of obsurity in it. I'm not saying that obsurist humor is bad.. It's just a fine line that people walk when they tell obsure jokes. People can't just blurt out "MY NAME IS RASPUTIN! I WEAR SOCKS INSTEAD OF CONDOMS!" and expect a laugh from anyone with sanity.]
While you have the potential, you like.. something. I can't quiet put my finger on it. There's just something that lies between potentinal and actually creating a laugh.. that gray area you (and I, most of the time) live in. Since I can't nail funny everytime, I can't really vote for or against, but I can tell you the few things I know
Captialize a bit more.. and since the pictures are fixed, it's also a good idea to rely a little more on dialouge. ..and that's it for now. Later!
Shame on Us for All We Have Done.
May God Have Mercy on Our Dirty Little Hearts.