I don't know... maybe the people who mercilessly bashed a comic that was better than most of the first strips posted in this forum? If you read really closely, you will see that I was defending a newbie against two really unwarranted attacks, as opposed to mindlessly savaging any newbie that comes within biting distance. There is a subtle difference...
Hey, I didn't have a problem with that comic. I loved the third panel.
The people who did taunt the newbie make strips quite worse than that I'm sure.
I judge the quality of my strips on the basis that Crabby has more in the Crappy comics thread than i do.
I make crappy ones just to put there. Most of those comics were made when I was a newbie troll trying to annoy everyone with my antics. I admit to my crapiness, I also have a few hidden gems in my comics list though