We've all seen Drexle's Nordic holiday-themed gothic black-metal latex-clad poseur epic, and it was, like, good and stuff. We've seen a lot of similar things in the past, such as Tobor's encounter with Chubby's Angels (though I have no recollection who did it, or where the images may be found).
Anyway, do one of your own.
What I want is for you to do a strip, or several unconnected strips, or a series of strips, or some combination of the three preceding items, using the StripCreator.com template, and one or more non-SC.com elements.
There are some solid rules this time around, however:
1) Only new work will be considered as a valid entry. Many of us have done stuff like this in the past, but I want new, original work for this contest.
2) There has to be real SC.com content in the strip, including the speech/thought balloons and narration and the black frame, as well as a bare minimum of one genuine SC.com background or character. This doesn't mean you can't edit existing characters, but I want the real thing clearly visible in there.
3) Doing a good job of one of these will take some work, so I'll make this a long deadline. Let's say... all week? I'll set a rough deadline at Friday midnight my time (10am Friday SC.com time) and judge within an hour or two of that.
4) I expect you all to be naked and smeared with baby oil while editing these images. This isn't really a requirement, but the thought of it just gets me all hot and flustered.
And... go!
This signature has performed an illegal operation and has been shut down.